Our Responsibilities
CCC is committed to the continual improvement in the way its business impacts on the environment, its internal and external communities, the future of manufacturing in the UK, the encouragement of skills development and to the highest quality standards possible.
By engaging with our customers and striving to exceed their expectations, we hope to create a long-term sustainable and successful business.
Our internal and local communities are vital to our future success – everyone at Cooper Coated Coil is aware of this fact.
At Cooper Coated Coil we are committed to the continual improvement of the way our business impacts on the environment.
We work with our customers as, ‘partners’, not as their suppliers. Such an approach has been invaluable in earning their trust and loyalty. Interlinked with this is our customer focused approach towards any project work.
Our customers are our primary focus and meeting their needs is our main priority. We are deeply committed to exceeding customer expectations by ensuring the delivery of innovative pre-painted solutions.
Our internal community is ultimately grown through our local community and we understand the need to develop an understanding of our business and its processes.
Our communications are open and we encourage interest in our business which in turn aims to encourage future employment from the local community.
We support local education establishments to introduce manufacturing and engineering as positive contributors to UK growth and as a potential career route.
We support local charity organisations generally associated through our employee’s interests and families.
At Cooper Coated Coil we are committed to the continual improvement of the way our business impacts on the environment.
Develop commitment and partnerships amongst all of our employees through effective communication of our commitment to the importance of our impact on the Environment.
Achieve a measured improvement in our effect on the environment across the business through training, education and investment.
Comply with all applicable legislation, adopted codes of practice and other relevant regulatory controls.
Prevent, avoid or minimise pollution in all forms wherever possible particularly our emissions to air and sewer drains.
Aim to formulate products with minimal impact on waste disposal. Dispose of waste that can not be avoided in a responsible manner.
Listen to and, when necessary, respond to communications from those affected by our operations and others with a direct interest in our environmental performance.
Use energy and natural resources efficiently, reducing our consumption where possible.
Continually improve our environmental performance through a series of targets detailed in the business plan as part of a formal management programme.
This policy will be implemented through the Environmental Management System that complies with ISO 14001:2004.